Sustainable fertilizers

Ecotop is working towards sustainable fertilizer production. We strive to close our business cycle as far as possible and make residual products such as manure as valuable as possible. Our vision of sustainability goes beyond just producing milk on our dairy farm. After all, we see a beautiful, high-quality product in our cow manure. Ecotop has chosen to make cow manure valuable into a richly filled product. This product is also destined for your garden. In this way we can work together for a sustainable planet. This is something that is very important to us.

By making cow manure products, contribute to environment

Any kind of dairy farm produces cow manure. Some of this manure is destined for our own land so that the crops our cows eat can also grow well. However, manure cannot be applied at any time because, like in your garden, fertilizer cannot be utilized in the wrong conditions and not all crops grow in every season. Manure is therefore kept in storage for a long time.

Such a cow manure storage period can last up to 7 months on the farm because;

  • Cows do not run outside all year round
  • You cannot simply apply manure to the land in every period

During this period, cow manure releases gases into the environment. These are powerful greenhouse gases (methane and nitrous oxide), environmentally harmful gas (ammonia gas) and gases with odor nuisance. From the point of view of sustainability in climate, environmental and social impact, it is desirable that the dairy farm knows how to avoid storage of cow manure. By making sustainable fertilizers for gardens, we contribute to sustainability in this way and you can enjoy low odor rich cow manure in the summer months.

Owner of Ecotop Jos Seuntiens says

Jos Seuntiens; “The biggest stroke in sustainability can be achieved when all manure is processed the same day in a sustainable way into products that do not emit gases and require a minimum of transportation. That is the solution that Ecotop B.V. and the dairy farm have in mind to take their responsibility in this way.”

Organische meststoffen en bodemverbeteraars


Have you seen our story on TV?

Recently our sustainability story was on TV. “Keuringsdienst van waarde” made a nice docu about cow manure. So now you can also know us from TV.