The dairy farm J.G. Seuntiëns

The dairy farm J.G. Seuntiëns has a family history with more than 100 years of dairy farming.

In 2003, the youngest generation took over the dairy farm. In the sustainably certified barn, 5 milking robots are available 24 hours a day. The cows use them on average 3 times a day of their own free will. Due to its high quality, the milk is processed into (baby) milk powder. The farm has a very open character and regularly receives excursions. The barn is also equipped with MS Schippers’ HyCare approach aimed at high health status. Hy stands for hygiene and Care stands for care. The goal of HyCare is a longer and better life for the cows, through optimal hygiene and good care.

The road to sustainability

In 2018, we started processing our dairy farm manure under the name Ecotop. We produce cow manure products daily from the manure of our own cows. Through a balanced process in the our processing plant, we can provide you with valuable cow manure products for your garden. Cow manure directly from the farm, it doesn’t get more sustainable.

Owner of Ecotop Jos Seuntiens says

Jos Seuntiens; “The biggest stroke in sustainability can be achieved when all manure is processed the same day in a sustainable way into products that do not emit gases and require a minimum of transportation. That is the solution that Ecotop B.V. and the dairy farm have in mind to take their responsibility in this way.”

Organische meststoffen en bodemverbeteraars


Have you seen our story on TV?

Recently our sustainability story was on TV. “Keuringsdienst van waarde” made a nice docu about cow manure. So now you can also know us from TV.